Wednesday 19 November 2014

More Music, and Ham

Boy is that a confusing title. Today I found another youtube channel that posts a whole bunch of mashups. I feel like I'm really emphasizing on this but they are kind of amazing. THE BEST MASHUP CHANNEL TO EXIST okay. You have to listen to the stuff on this channel. I'll import my favorite later in the post. But they have a few Ariana Grande, Iggy Azalea, Austin Mahone, and just a bunch of amazing stuff. If you couldn't tell I love music. I play guitar and I just love listening to music. Sometimes I imagine becoming famous for music. It might happen I don't know really. It's funny because I'm like oh if I become famous I'll like remember all my old friends from when I was a teenager. But honestly unless you keep up with my and skype me and stuff. If I become famous, yeah sorry. :) My friend Lexie, the one who is pushing me away, I asked her sister to talk to her about it. She just said I was annoying and to back away. Okay. First off how could I ever be annoying. I am like the coolest person ever right. Right. RIGHT! Okay Carter stop you're being lame. What am I doing anymore. Well anywho for Christmas or Black Friday I was thinking about getting a camera. But dang. They expensive. Nobody wanna go paying a million dollars, and then pay for a five hundred dollar lens. Mhm no, y'all don't got no money. Every year around this time my family makes ham. Yes ham. And it is amazing if you didn't know. You should really eat ham. But we make like a lot. Like a whole. Freaking. Ham. And it lasts us like two kajillion years. And its great at frist. But then you eat it like 24/7 and you get fat and nobody wants to eat ham that long. Something else I want to put out there, all of you people always on your phones, you probably don't even know a thing about them. If you knew me I am on my phone a lot, also because then I can get unsuspecting pictures of them. But me I most likely know what phone you have, and if you have done the software updates for it. I am going to say this but I, in my spare time, just sit around and watch phone reviews. You got me. I'm a square pear. Like all you people who didn't do iOS 8, excuse me. Don't think you android users getting away with not doing Android Lollipop, or at least Kitkat. I sound so lame now. Oh and tell me this. Is knowing what AM and PM mean common knowledge? Because I was just messing around and asked my friend and he knew what it was. Said it was common knowledge. Please tell me.

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