Thursday 30 October 2014

Here we go again..

Hey. It's me again. I don't know who you would expect but um let's have a second shot at this. So tomorrow is Halloween right. Well I'm not going trick or treating but me mom gave me like 20 bucks for candy so. Well that was a pleasant surprise, until my sister calculated the fat and sugar -.- thanks a lot sis. Really frustrated right now (not really) but chrome isn't working so I had to use internet explorer which is not fun. Okay first off I tend to be somewhat funny, but it's never worse when you and your pal are having a good laugh at an inside joke and some person starts laughing to. Like. Hold up. You don't understand. When I thought life couldn't get more awkward I will be with my friend and he like shows me guitar stuff and I asked if we could hang out and he said sure right. But his singing friend and other friend are gonna be there. Like okay this kid is in high school, which makes me younger than him, (I'm in 8th grade) but like. His high school friends. Oh the struggle couldn't be more real. Also if anyone knows when the next Ariana Grande album comes out that would be nice because she is kind of like really amazing. Probably my favorite. Also love love love mashups, musical ones, because well I don't know. Also if you ever need someone to lose something while its in their pocket I'm the guy to call. I don't know how it happens. It just does. Okay so right now I was updating spotify right and it says that it speaks cat, dog, and horse. Hold up. Well that's nice of spotify um so my pet dog can listen to break free I don't think he understands when I try. And so you know when your friends friends friend tries to follow you and you deny they usually don't try again. But this one girl, I can't, she keeps on requesting like ahahahahahaahaha no. I tried doing a youtube channel right. Well I was too lazy to actually record the videos so this is better. Only if I become famous somehow will I start a channel lol. For all you book lovers. Go. Read. Michael Vey. Especially if you like sci-fi. It is AMAZING. Go. Go read it now. Also for TV people watch Once Upon a Time, or Doctor Who, or something else. Don't watch some nasty stuff like the walking dead. But there's never a better pass time then watching TV on the sims. I mean it's so. Bleh.  So my friend he gets fifty bucks a week. Not for chores. Fifty freaking dollars. What. Even. And now he's saving up for this alienware computer and his moms like "oh sure I'll pay half" or something like that. Not mad just like. Ahem. Me please. But I don't really care don't need a new computer he's more of a gamer so. Well there we go. Until next time.

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Well let's give this a shot

Well. Here we go with a first post. Hi my name is Carter. Don't wanna tell you my last name because I don't know you so yeah. But this blog is going to be basically anything doesn't have to be something that I've done just anything really. So let's get with it. Is it just me or do other people like when they think in their heads of saying something or just thinking in general think with a British accent? Like okay exception for British people. (according to them they don't even have an accent um yeah right) I don't know honestly. I play one instrument which is guitar. I'm pretty good but like my pal he is like really good and goes off and says he's only been doing it for 4 months?! The heck um excuse me where did you learn this? He also plays like a billion (only 7) other instruments so. Yesterday my friend like my good friend, like the bae, started acting like she didn't know who I was and thought she was playing me. No she's not. Suppose she just wants some time to herself. Whenever I get frustrated I just kind of like make some random noise ,usually something that sounds like a bird, which apparently like no one does this? Just to start this out I am an awkward person. Like not always but you get the memo. Oh my gosh I swear my dog just tried to pull a silent but deadly fart on me. Nope. I hear it. Well this just sucks.On the bright side I just finished off some chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream oh isn't being unhealthy fun. Okay so I just posted like 22 pictures and my friend is like what the heck Carter so many I literally even counted them. I was like um excuse me i was on a boat for 6 days what did you expect. She's one of those friends who looks at you messages and doesn't reply so serves her. Right now my friend is pestering me on skype to listen to these songs and she was like no butts. Um excuse me I need that to live? She said only if I'm Chris Evans so changed my username. Got her good just goes to show people will do anything just change your username. No that's not lying its deception google it. Well I guess that's it wondering if anyone will ever look at this blog haha um have a nice day unless you don't want to.